
Market context
Scope: research >positioning >strategy > TOV >visual identity >illustration >brand guidelines >website
Sector: Filtration
As seasoned professionals navigating the complexities of liquid and gas processes, Cleanova stands as a beacon of excellence. Collaborating seamlessly with major global enterprises, specialised engineering consultancies, and national distributors, their impact resonates far and wide. Cleanova is not just a solution provider; it is the architect of efficiency in industrial filtration, working with current and future energy companies, industrial manufacturing, consumer manufacturing, marine and aviation industries.
Cleanova emerged as a dynamic entity through the strategic acquisition of filtration-related business functions from Celeros Flow Technologies by PX3 Partners. This landmark move, marking PX3's inaugural venture, involved the integration of heritage companies within Celeros, including Airpel, Vokes, Plenty Filtration, and Dollinger.
Embarking on a creative journey with a comprehensive vision, our task was to birth an entire brand for this new company. From shaping the brand strategy and crafting compelling messaging to generating a distinctive name-Cleanova- the creative process had to be meticulous.
The biggest challenge was to create standout in a market that is considered conservative and traditional, where trust, experience, and reputation reign supreme. Launching a new company poses a unique challenge. Acquiring four reputable brands, the task at hand was to stand out as a symbol of innovation, while upholding the trust essential for large industrial projects.

Creative Strategy
Our creative strategy was tailored to resonate with the brand's tone, exuding confidence, insightfulness, and impact. Anchored by a colourway that defys industry norms, the purple colour palette makes a memorable statement.
Our typography mirrors the brand's confidence, striking a balance between boldness and simplicity. Photography takes center stage, employing a strong depth of field to spotlight the individuals involved, underscoring our commitment to engagement.
Lead graphics follow suit with a bold and minimalistic approach, artfully capturing the essence of the filtration process at an aspiratioanl level, leaning into the idea of molecules – to demonstrate the level of filtration.
The visual system and logo icon were crafted for clarity and distinctiveness, ensuring a bold and unmistakable presence for this innovative newcomer in the industry.

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